Sequin Kai – Art Invest
						Art Invest
Sequin Kai

Sequin Kai


What is your background and how did you start your journey in the art world?

I am a British artist from London and my journey started at the age of 14.   I fell in love with art and art history and the process of creating whilst studying art for my GCSE’s in the UK.  It has been one of my passions for self-discovery and salvation. My journey into the art world started in 2010 and I feel it started when I had my studio in East London and I could really get serious about creating specific collections and exhibiting internationally.

Which current art world trends are you following?

The two art world trends which I am following are Digital and New Media Art, this fascinated me as with the advancement of technology, digital and new media art have emerged as prominent trends. The various forms of digital expression, such as interactive installations, virtual reality (VR) experiences, generative art, and digital sculptures are really incredible.

I find art installations very evocative and powerful, involving creating three-dimensional artworks within a specific space.  I it is incredible how an experiential environment can be transformed. These Installations often incorporate various media, such as sculpture, lighting, sound, and video, to convey a specific concept or narrative.

What does your art mean to you?

Art for me is a means of expression, communication, exploration, and reflection. The creative process can evoke emotions, challenge beliefs, inspire imagination, and serve as a vehicle for cultural and social commentary and change. . In a way it can be a form of aesthetic enjoyment, and a way to appreciate the beauty of life.

Creating art is a deeply personal and fulfilling process. It allows me to channel my thoughts, experiences, and perspectives into a tangible form. Artistic expression is a way to convey messages, explore ideas, and make sense of the world. It provides me with a powerful avenue for self-discovery, self-expression, and a means to connect with others. Art is a dynamic and multifaceted realm that holds different interpretations and significance for my audience and the context in which it is created and experienced in one word … It is everything for me.

Do you plan your work in advance, or is it improvisation?

There are two ways I create as I like to be playful. Often I have no idea what I am going to paint, there is no predetermined thought and or plan and the creativity flows in a very organic way.   I let the materials speak and guide me and the process.

What’s your favourite artwork and why?

My favourite artwork which I have completed is my Swarovski crystal Tanit sculpture, created earlier this year.   I love the way it glistens and shimmers sparkling in the sun.  It took 2 weeks to create and did present its challenges, as working with 1.5mm tiny crystals was a real act of love, devotion and precision.

Have you had any noteworthy exhibitions you’d like to share?

I really love showing artwork in unusual spaces and surprising my audiences.  Showcasing my pyramid sculpture at the Top of the Shard in London during a sunrise exhibition was an epic experience and awe inspiring for me and my audience. My Ibiza showcase in Atzaro was a unique and very special in the Garden with all my Zodiacs displayed within a stunning location surrounded by the night stars.
