Juan Waelder – Art Invest
						Art Invest
Juan Waelder

Juan Waelder


What is your background and how did you start your journey in the art world?

I studied in an Art School that was based upon the Bauhaus. My teachers were prominent artists, and all the educational programs were around art—even geography. Later, at the University, I studied Design, and I had the opportunity to make an exposition at the Art gallery of the Instituto Chileno Americano de Cultura in Santiago. This was the starting point of my career as an artist at 18 years old.

Which current art world trends are you following?

Really I don’t follow any art trend. I’m open to knowing everything that is related to the arts, especially sculpture.

What does your art mean to you?

My art is my everyday work. I’m an art worker.

Do you plan your work in advance, or is it improvisation?

I have my work schedule on the wall in my Studio.

What’s your favorite artwork and why?

It is always the last one. I learn something new with every new piece I do.

Have you had any noteworthy exhibitions you’d like to share?

My first one was in West Palm Beach, Miami, Florida. After that, in Puerto Rico, in both cases, represented by Galerías Prinardi.